Executive Leadership team

The Executive Leadership team (ELT) provide the senior executive officer function within the Brigade.

The Fire Authority delegates to the ELT, the effective management of the organisation and its resources, the delivery of the primary corporate, operational and enabling services and the execution of the statutory responsibilities.

Cleveland Fire Authority

A portrait headshot of Peter Rickard (CFO) smiling wearing white shirt, black tie and a lanyard

Chief Fire Officer

Peter Rickard

Simon Weastell headshot

Assistant Chief Fire Officer, Director of Community Protection

Simon Weastell

Karen Winter headshot

Assistant Chief Fire Officer, Director of Strategic Planning & Resources

Karen Winter

Chris little headshot

Chief Finance Officer

Chris Little

Peter Devlin headshot

Legal Advisor and Monitoring Officer

Peter Devlin

A headshot of Dave Preston in Brigade uniform smiling at camera.

Senior Head of Operations

David Preston

A portrait headshot of Lee Brown smiling wearing white shirt, black tie and a lanyard

Senior Head of Prevention, Protection & Engagement

Lee Brown

Christine Chisholm headshot

Senior Head of People

Christine Chisholm

Darren richards headshot

Senior Head of Assets

Darren Richards