Turning Blue to Help Prevent Drowning

An image of a bridge with a drowning prevention banner on it

Fire engines at stations across Cleveland will be turning alarm lights on for two minutes to “go blue” in support of World Drowning Prevention Day on Tuesday 25 July.

Drowning in the UK is amongst the leading causes of accidental death and the dangers are heightened during school holidays and the hotter summer days.

Andrew Bright, Learn & Live Coordinator, Cleveland Fire Brigade, said: “At this time of year, it can be very tempting to cool off in our waters. People should take extra care and follow local water safety advice.

“There are many risks in plunging into open water. One is cold water shock where the surface may feel warm but below can be icy cold and cause breathing difficulties and numb limbs. Pay attention to warning notices – if it says no swimming, simply don’t swim.

“If you are at the beach there should be lifeguards around and only swim if it is safe and stay between the flags as indicated.

“Never cliff jump, known as tombstoning, as the depth is unknown and there may be rocks. Stay out of the water if you have been drinking and never swim in areas like quarries, canals, or ponds.”

“This year, to commemorate World Drowning Prevention Day, we are pleased to announce that the iconic Newport Bridge, Riverside and Stockton Town Centre will light up blue.”

World Drowning Prevention Day is organised by the World Health Organisation to raise awareness of water safety. The theme is “anyone can drown, no one should”.

Young people are most vulnerable, as many are unaware of the dangers of jumping into cold water in hot weather and are prone to taking risks in unsafe waters without adults around.

Cleveland Fire Brigade has a water rescue unit based at Thornaby. In addition, an emergency response boat is stationed at the Tees Barrage and is available for rapid response to water rescue incidents.

If you see somebody in trouble in the water – don’t enter the water to rescue.

Call 999 or 112 and either, ask for the Coastguard when at the coast or ask for the Fire Service if inland.

Please note the blue lights will be turned on for two minutes at 09:30.

For more water safety advice: https://www.clevelandfire.gov.uk/safety/outdoor-safety/water-safety/