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District Manager

Richard Brown

Station Details

Address: Master Road, Thornaby, TS17 9BS

Click here to view on Google Maps and for directions


Phone: 01642 536260

Thornaby Fire Station provides fire and rescue services to the community on a 24/7 basis through four watches of whole-time fire fighters working on the station. Its area is mainly urban in and takes in one of the largest private housing estates in Europe.

There is a significant amount of ex-local authority housing and council housing around the town which poses some fire risk. The station covers a town centre development and the campus of Durham University International Study Centre. It is also home to a water rescue team that provides cover to the whole of the Brigade and a large section of the River Tees. The water rescue team are involved in flood planning and provide important water familiarisation training to Cleveland Fire Brigade personnel.

Community facilities for hire

Members of the community are able to hire the community room at the station for community activities. Room hire is £11.40 per hour (no VAT).

To book a room call 01642 536260 or email

Safe Places logo

Safe Places Scheme

This fire station is part of the Safe Places National Network, a place in the community where people who many need extra support can go for help.


Click here to view a Performance Summary of Station Incidents (opens in same tab)